Lois Weedon Flower Club
Discover a new talent!
Lois Weedon Flower Club can offer you demonstrations and practical workshops in the art of flower arranging/floral design.
The Flower Club is affiliated to the South Midlands Area of NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies), which is a charitable organisation.
Our Club meets at Lois Weedon Village Hall, on the third Tuesday afternoon in the month, at 2.30pm.
After a demonstration, the arrangements are raffled and the afternoon concludes with delicious refreshments.
Do come along and see what we do. You will always receive a warm welcome!
Click on this link for details of NAFAS
Janet Cooper
Lois Weedon Flower Club
- Telephone
- 01327 260607
- jandg.cooper@btinternet.com