22nd December 2024

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Weston & Weedon Lois Parish Council Serving the community of Weston & Lois Weedon with Plumpton

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St Mary and St Peter is the Parish Church of Lois Weedon and Weston with Plumpton. We are part of the Astwell Benefice (Click on this link for the website) which includes Lois Weedon, Wappenham, Helmdon, Syresham, Whitfield and Radstone. As a Benefice we are Part of the Brackley Deanery in the Diocese of Peterborough.

In October 2021, after a 3 year trial the Benefice members voted to formalise a Benefice Council organisation. This involved the formation of a single PCC (known as the BPCC) which oversees all 6 Churches. Each church has 2 representatives on the committee (in the case of Whitfield and Radstone only 1). As with the old PCC structure there are a number of ex-officio roles such as Treasurer and Secretary. There are a number of sub-committees formed from members of the Benefice, Finance, Social and Fundraising, Worship and Pastoral Care. After the Reverand Diane Whittaker retired the Chairmanship of the BPCC passed to Bill Elkington. Each church has its own Church Council, which looks after the day to day running and financing of the parish church under the chairmanship of the Churchwarden.

Our new Rector Hugh White was installed by the Bishop at a service at Helmdon Church on the 7th December. Rev'd Hugh is already familiar with many of the Parishioners in the Benefice both churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike. He expressed the wish that we continue with our current structures offering advice and support whilst he becomes familiar with our practices.

Financing of our Churches continues to be a struggle both in terms of our need to pay for our clergy aswell as the Fabric of our ancient buildings. We didn't quite make our target for Parish Share (the cost of a priest) but we were among the parishes who came closest.

Our Churches are historic and beautiful testaments to our forebears which we all hope can be preserved for future generations. We rely heavily on Grant giving organisations for our significant repair costs but such organisations expect us to contribute from our local community also. Those who worship in our churches are the people who voluntarily take responsibility for that preservation. Once a church is obliged to close because it cannot support the cost of a priest then who will do the work of all those volunteers?

Services at Lois Weedon or the Benefice this Month

Sunday 1st December
Advent Carol Service
6.00pm with the Benefice Choir and Rev Hugh
am Service 11.15 Wappenham
with Paul Stothard

Sunday 8th December
9.30 Morning Prayer with Paul Stothard

Sunday 15th December 9.30
Holy Communion
with Rev'd Hugh

Thursday 19th December
5.30 Christmas Carols and Readings
with Rev Hugh
Mince Pies and Mulled wine.

Sunday 22nd December 9.30
Matins with Mike Streten or Frank Hunter

Tuesday 24th December
11.30 Christmas Eve Communion with Rev Hugh

This Week's Pew News

This Month's Services and Readings at Lois Weedon

Next Month's Services, Readings and Hymns at Lois Weedon

This Month's Services in the Benefice Churches

Next Month's Services in the Benefice

Lois Weedon and Weston Village Trust

Did you know that "The Lois Weedon & Weston Village Trust" has existed, using a number of different names, for nearly 150 years?

Or that the Trustees of the Charity are custodians of a portion of agricultural land to the west of Weston, which was bequeathed to provide an income to help those in need within the Parishes?

Recently "The Trust" has provided small gifts at Christmas time to those who are unwell and to the elderly, as well as helping to fund the Village Christmas Meal for the over 65s.

But it also exists to give financial help to anyone living in the parishes of Lois Weedon and Weston who find themselves in need. Resources are limited so this help can only be a one off offer of assistance at the discretion of the Trustees.

If you need help yourself or know of someone who deserves to be considered, then please do make contact by phone, email or letter. This and any help the trustees can give will be completely confidential.

Members of the Lois Weedon Church Council

History of the Parish and Church

Last updated: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:58