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Weston & Weedon Lois Parish Council Serving the community of Weston & Lois Weedon with Plumpton

Who we are & what we do

The Parish Council consists of 7 elected Councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors are voluntary and do not receive payment for their work on the Parish Council.

The Clerk's Office: see details below

Council Meetings are normally held on the last Monday of each odd month (actual dates below), except the AGM which is held on the second Monday in May. The meetings are held in the Village Hall, Lois Weedon, unless advertised to the contrary and are open to the public - see the diary of meetings for more information. Details are share by email and on this website. Contact the Clerk if you would like to be added to the email distribution list.


Our Councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact our Chairman, David Elkington.

The following is the list of current councillors as elected in May 2021.

Weston and Weedon Lois Parish Council Standing Orders

  • Standing Orders (Word Document, 601 Kb)

    Current version of Standing Orders - based on historic (hand written) document.

Parish Clerk

The Parish Clerk is the primary contact for all matters that you may wish to raise or enquire about. The Clerk will inform Councillors of your requests whether it be matters you wish to raise at a Parish Council meeting, requests for guidance on Local Government procedures e.g. how to submit planning applications, guidance on policy, requests for funds. The clerk will inform members of the parish on decisions and local Council announcements and policy matters that affect our community.

Ken Power

Parish Clerk

01327 860054

Last updated: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 19:03